Stephany Monroy Lopez
I came to the U.S. at the age of 10 with a few words in English. I might not be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident but I grew up in this country. Going thru high school I thought I had the same chance as anyone to get into a 4-year university experience the college life, it was until my senior year when my parents told me they couldn’t afford to send me to universities because I will be considered an “international student” and tuition was nearly the double. I attended Lone Star Community College and that’s when I found out about people like me getting a chance to continue education paying in-state tuition. I was able to transfer to Texas A&M and majoring in Computer Science. My dream is to one day work with the FBI protecting from hacking since it’s a common problem. If they take away the HB1403, I won’t stop me from getting my degree but it would take time for me to achieve this goal.